Self Care
Balance & Longevity
Natural Self Healing
Easy & Simple
Brain Education | Brain Fitness | Brainwave Meditaiton
We have Body and Brain Training Centres in Auckland and Kerikeri. Based on traditional Korean training methods and neuroscience, Brain Education aims to help individuals become the masters of their bodies and minds through Brain Fitness and Brain Wave Meditation. Everyone has the ability to love and heal themselves. By awakening the senses in our brain through movements such as tapping, twisting, shaking, rotating, and stretching the body, we can gain access to energy and awaken our dormant consciousness. This enables us to restore the balance of our body and mind and amplify our energy and consciousness, ultimately becoming the masters of our body, mind, and brain
Brain Education
Brain education is a training method designed to assist individuals in unlocking their brain's full potential through a fivestage process. It is a training program aimed at awakening the latent value within the brain, enabling it to regain its inherent health, productivity, and creativity
Brain Fitness
Brain fitness is a program that awakens the senses of the brain through exercise. Its movements, such as stretching, rotating, pushing, pulling, and Tai Chi-like motions, are designed to stimulate the brain. After engaging in this exercise, you can regulate your consciousness. Regulating consciousness entails freeing yourself from physical pain, negative thoughts and emotions, past memories, or traumas, and reclaiming the ability to heal yourself.
Brain Meditation
Brainwave meditation is a form of meditation that empowers you to regulate your own brainwave patterns.
When trapped in the throes of constant thought, brainwaves can give rise to worries, anxieties, and doubts, making it challenging to find inner peace.
This can transform your brainwaves into a state that manifests positive visions into reality. Through this, you can gain self-confidence and courage, and create the life you desire.

“Discover your doctor within you”
Brain Fitness
Brain fitness focuses on awakening and activating the brain's innate self-healing abilities. It aimsBrain fitness is a program that awakens the senses of the brain through exercise. Its movements, such as stretching, rotating, pushing, pulling, and Tai Chi-like motions, are designed to stimulate the brain.

Brain Meditation
Through Brain wave meditation, you can learn to perceive your own brainwave states and acquire the skill of self-regulating towards your desired brainwave pattern during meditation. This can transform your brainwaves into a state that manifests positive visions into reality.

Brain Education
Brain education is a training method designed to assist individuals in unlocking their brain's full potential through a five-stage process. It is a training program aimed at awakening the latent value within the brain, enabling it to regain its inherent health, productivity, and creativity

Recommended for people who have:

• Headaches
• Back pain
• Shoulder pain
• Neck pain
• Chronic fatigue
• Insomnia
• Poor circulation
• Arthritis
• Hormonal imbalance
• Diabetes
• Immune-related diseases
• Osteoporosis
• Bad posture
• Digestive system problems
• Constipation/Diarrhea

Regular Classes and Workshops

Deep stretching, twisting and joint rotation exercises increase flexibility and strength, improve circulation and alignment. These exercises stimulate the body’s energy pathways called meridians.

It uses energy techniques, and gentle meditative moves to cleanse, strengthen, and circulate the life energy.

Learn to relax and shift focus away from physical pain, tension, negative emotions and busy thoughts through enhanced energy awareness. Moving meditation promotes Natural Self Healing.

Brain Education is a mind-body training system for developing the brain’s capacity to create physical, emotional, and mental health.

We can work with you one on one to create a customised program that meets your individual needs and personal goals

The journey to discover your true self in you and nature. There are various intensive programs, including one day ; 3 days and 2 nights ; 5 days and 6 nights, and more

Sunyong Park
Director and Master Trainer of Brain Education
Specially appointed instructor of Brain Education at Global Cyber University(Korea) and special advisor to IBREA - International Brain Education Association, which creates educational programmes in some countries in the world, in collaboration with the UN.
Practiced Brain Education and Qi-gong for more than 20 years.
Director of Body & Brain Training Centre, Auckland.

Sunyong, also known as Master Brain, is a highly experienced trainer in Brain Education, KQigong, and K-Meditation. Additionally, he serves as a Self-healing Ambassador & Expert.
He was a civil engineer and worked in the Korean government before he started his healing journey and followed his true passion to help people heal themselves.
He has had the privilege of directing and managing 19 centres in Korea, working passionately to introduce Brain Education to schools and society. With an impressive teaching history spanning 17 years in Brain Education, Sunyong's journey as a healer took a significant turn when he personally healed from a serious vertebrae injury resulting from a horse-riding accident, without any medical assistance.
Sunyong's unwavering passion lies in sharing the profound potential of self-healing. Through his guidance, individuals can recover physically, mentally, and spiritually, unlocking their full capacities and awakening their inner potential.

Sooah Yewon Hwang
Director and Master Trainer of Brain Education
Practiced Brain Education and Qi-gong for more than 20 years.
Director of Brain Education and Research Ltd.
Director of Double Pine Investment Ltd. Meditation Tour Ltd. NZ
Medical Doctor in Korea

Since 1996, Master Sooah (Yewon) has been dedicated to the practice of Brain Education, Meditation, Qigong, Natural Healing Methods, and Yoga. Over the past 19 years, she has shared her knowledge of Brain Education in various countries, including Korea, the USA, and NZ.
Before her journey into Brain Education, Yewon worked as a Medical Doctor. However, her inner thirst for genuine healing and the deeper meaning of life persisted. After spending years interacting with patients, she eventually reached a pivotal moment where she could no longer ignore her inner calling to discover her true path. Consequently, she made the decision to leave her medical practice behind and embarked on a transformative journey in search of true healing.
Prior to relocating to New Zealand in 2015, Yewon served as a senior researcher for a decade and managed Brain Education centres in Arizona as a regional manager. Her burning desire is to assist people in reclaiming their health through natural healing methods.

Phone Number
Auckland 021 0867 6501
Kerikeri 027 535 3377

Our Location
1/32 Constellation Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
4 Cobham Rd. Kerikeri 0230