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Bird of the Soul


Rediscover your soul with this picture book.


We are more than our body and brain; we are all precious beings with souls. You may doubt the existence of your soul, but that may be because you have had little conscious knowledge or experience with it. Your soul is always whispering to you, but its voice is often drowned out in everyday life by a cacophony of countless thoughts and emotions. Even if you heard it once, over time you may have forgotten it.


Yet your soul wants to be free, like a bird soaring in the azure sky. Your thoughts and emotions, heavy from past memories, attachments, and fixed ideas, weigh down your soul and keep it trapped. To free your soul, you need to release your thoughts and emotions first, and begin to listen to your soul’s voice.


Ilchi Lee wrote this short, illustrated story of a man named Jay and his relationship with his soul, symbolized by a sweetly, singing bird, to help you remember your soul. It is his own story, and he believes it is many people’s story. Traveling life’s journey with Jay, you rediscover what is most precious and important, and the wisdom, meaning, and potential that come from your soul.


The author said about this book: “My heart sings to be able to tell the story of discovery of the soul with pictures. This book is a powerful messenger of love.”


  •  Hardcover

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