Business Development & Youth Mentor
Koro Carman
Koro has worked in the tourism and hospitality industries for 25 years. In 2004, Koro had the privilege of being one too the founders of the world acclaimed Footprints Waipoua tour company and helped to facilitate the world first Union of Ancient Trees Agreement between Aotearoa and Japan.
Koro was also involved in establishing Whakaara Tito Mata 'The Maori Trousim Academy' in 2019 and delivered two pilot programs in 2020.
Accommodation Manager
Shivaun Brownlee
Shivaun has worked for Double Pine Investment Ltd, for going on eight years. She has performed many roles across properties during this time, including housekeeping, housekeeping manager and holding down the fort at reception.
She has enjoyed learning more about the company's health and well begin business and has championed the positive work they deliver in and with the community.
Property Maintenance
Kurt Brady
Kurt hails form the Bay of Plenty but was lucky enough to meet a lovely lade from the North. Kurt has a son and a daughter and seven amazing grandchildren. Kurt lived in various places in Australia for 20 years working in the construction sector and on tower cranes.
Kurt started working at Earth Village in 2015 and enjoys fishing, watching rugby and diving although he has grandchildren now who he can call on to perform this important role.
Youth Development Department Staff
David Lyden
David has worked as a tour guide on the Tai You Herenga Twin Coast Cycle Trail. David spent several months working in the forestry sector prior to becoming the first member of our Earth Village Youth team. David, loves being outdoors, riding his bike and is a whizz with all things in the tech space and is a budding videographer and photographer.